Job Hunt

It took me 38+ years to find the right job and right company.

I will admit that I made every mistake possible over the years. At the same time, I got some amazing advice that I ignored.

I did listen, even though I didn’t use that advice.

And, that’s where the majority of what you see here comes from.

Lessons Learned!

My hope is that you can avoid many of the mistakes I make and get some value from the advice I am documenting here.

This document has been created to “fill in the gaps” that I am seeing for those in the job hunt. There are ideas and worksheets here that can be printed out and used as you see fit.


  1. This Document
  2. My History
  3. Motivation
  4. Right Job
  5. Experience
  6. Leaving Current Role
  7. Transitions
  8. Resume / Standing Out
  9. Job Posting / Techniques
  10. Interview Preparation
  11. Social Media / Networking
  12. Getting Recruiters to Respond
  13. Right Company
  14. Enlist a Mentor
  15. FAQ

Finding the right job and right company can be difficult enough. Download this document to help make things easier for you!

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